D) Main Painting

After spraying any external items such as the interior of exhausts on modern aircraft or the fronts of radial piston engines, these areas are masked off and a coat of grey primer given overall. I use either a coat of light grey acrylic or Halfords grey plastic primer - if the latter be sure to use it outside! When this is dry I check the model surface for flaws, and remedy any I feel need it. If there are any flaws, I re-prime the treated area and am ready to proceed again. The next stage is shadow-shading the model, which I do using black acrylic over all the panel lines, access hatches, undercarriage doors, ailerons and any other areas that require this treatment. When completely dry, the main painting can begin. I usually start with the underside, which is usually one colour, and apply an even overall coat of paint. I can then mask this off and concentrate on the upper surfaces. I try to start with the lightest colours first, masking off other areas and giving a light coat of colour, then masking off for the next colour and so on until the main body of colour is applied. I usually then apply an overall coat of Johnson's Klear for decalling.

After decal application, the model may be given a wash to accentuate panel lines and other detail if required. A thinned solution of oil paint/white spirit is flowed into the panel lines in the same way as with the cockpit interior.

When the final wash is dry, an overall coat of whatever finish varnish is required is applied, and any remaining masks removed (from areas such as the cockpit, wheel bays etc)

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