2.2 Interests

At the end of the day, I'm a WWII freak. This doesn't just go for modeling, but the whole history of the period, politics, personal stories, memorabilia - anything. This is reflected in my models, which tend to be WWII aircraft, mostly in 1/72nd scale. I'm afraid that the Luftwaffe also comes top of the pile with these aircraft. Now, before I get a stream of e-mails telling me I'm a Nazi and "everyone" does Luftwaffe models, let me say a few words on why I like these aircraft. If you're that interested (or bothered!), click here.

That said, tanks & AFVs of the same period, 1/48th, 1/32nd and even 1/24th scale are all fair game if the mood takes me. At the other end of the scale, current jets, especially of the ex-Soviet type, are quite fascinating to me. I've also got Star Wars and Star Trek stuff as well, mainly because they do make really good models for painting, and I've recently started having a go at 120mm (and larger) figure painting, which I find the most difficult of all.

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