2.2 Modelling Interests

Firstly, the planes themselves. Germany went through a whole set of enormous changes from 1935 to 1945, and aircraft production reflects this quite dramatically - from the fleets of Bf-109s, Bf-110s, Ju-87s, Do-17s, He-111s and the odd Ju-88 of the start of the war, to the battered fragments of operational units equipped with some of the most advanced kit of the day. The gradual turnaround from offensive operation to defensive, night-fighting and late war emergency "Volksjager" use of the Luftwaffe brought about a plethora of field-modifications, updates and new types throughout the war. Compare this to the RAF, for example, where the front line fighter of the entire war was the Spitfire. Not that I'm knocking that - it is a tribute to a magnificent aircraft that it could be a front-line fighter in various forms in such a competitive environment. My point, however, is that the UK never had to deal with the mass day and night bombing raids that Germany had to, and so didn't develop night fighters with the same determination and scope that Nazi Germany was forced to. This is just one example, there are many more. I'm not saying that other air forces didn't make interesting planes, just that Germany happen to have made a lot of them (in my opinion).

Secondly, the camouflage schemes. Of all the nations involved in WWII, Germany certainly had the most advanced experimentation with camouflage schemes for both army and air force. The subject has spawned many books by itself, and as such I am going to say little more about it, other than that from a modeling point of view, Luftwaffe camouflage schemes are some of the most challenging to recreate in model form.

Thirdly, the Aces. The Luftwaffe generated a large number of Ace pilots, some with incredible scores. Their aircraft were often decorated with very personalised camouflage, identification schemes or artwork, which makes them attractive to model. Not only this aspect makes them appealing to me, however, but the personal stories of the men that flew the aircraft. After reading Heinz Knoke's book "I Flew for the Fuhrer", I wanted to model at least one of this idealistic pilot's Me-109s. Likewise, after reading about the exploits of a tank-buster pilot named Michalsak, I wanted to model his Hs-129 as it appeared on the Eastern Front. This isn't because I enjoy stories of Soviets being killed, but because I admire the bravery of this man's actions in defending the lives of his friends and comrades. In the same way I have no desire to make and paint a bust of, for example, Adolf Eichmann, as I have no respect for him or his crimes against humanity. Enough said.

Lastly, I just really enjoy making them!

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