NOTES: A little bit more thought went into the painting of this model, with the whole being sprayed black before main painting. After the black undercoat, three progressively lighter shades of Tamiya acrylic were sprayed onto the model, followed by a wash of black oil paint and a dry-brushing in lighter green enamel to highlight the detail. Dried fern sealed with hairspray was then cemented onto the model and pastels used to create a dirty and dusty look. A tarpaulin was made from a cut-down Rizzla paper, wetted and draped over the model and left to dry. When dry, it was removed, sprayed and glued in place (although it's not present on the model as it appears in the photo above!).
Extras: Fern foliage, Rizzla paper tarpaulin
Finish: Tamiya acrylics, artist's oil paint, artist's oil pastels
Brush: Aztec 1000S with nitrogen tank @ 15-25psi