C) Desert Defeat

Well, please excuse the skew but I had difficulty in fitting everything in the camera frame! This is the largest base I have made so far, and consists of a kitchen memo-board in which I poured a mixture of interior filler, PVA glue and water to create the basic landscape, into which a few pieces of broken brick were added. When set, the whole thing was covered in a PVA/water mixture and covered in sand. When dry, the excess was removed and another coat of PVA/water was daubed onto the base to seal everything in. The whole thing was then sprayed in various shades of black, grey and sand to create some tonal variations, though this process isn't yet complete by a long way. The inspiration for this diorama came from a painting of a British P-40 shot down in the West African desert, with a German half-track investigating. You can see the shadow on the base waiting for the P-40 to sit on, the aircraft itself is about half finished.

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