NOTES: This model was absolutely horrible! Fuselage "halves" do not match, locating pins are all way out, the wing doesn't seem to be made to fit the fuselage, there is no internal detail and the decals are useless. Nevertheless, who else makes an Il-10 in this scale? Some work and a lot of filler can get the kit to a reasonable finish, if you don't lose your patience and use it as a
kamikaze practice model! This was the first aircraft I finished in Tamiya acrylics and the first I used shadow-shading on for panel lines etc (though this is not especially noticeable on the model). I also tried using clear decal film sprayed with the exterior colour to frame the canopy. Although this worked well settling everything down with
Klear, the problem is to matt the framing to the same finish as the rest of the fuselage. On this occasion I hand painted the frame with matt varnish - not an ideal scenario! The paint scuffs on the panel lines were achieved with Humbrol matt aluminium (H56) applied with the edge of a cocktail stick along the raised detail, producing a more pleasing and subtle effect than the silver pen used on the Me-109G-10 and Spitfire Vb. There are still a couple of things to add, but they are insignificant when compared to the work already done on this kit!
Extras: Scratch built cockpit, foil seat straps, spares box ShKas MG, plastic rod cannon barrels, Falcon vacuform replacement canopy
Finish: Tamiya Acrylics, Johnson's
Klear, Cryla Artist's Acrylic Matt Varnish, Artist's Oil pastels, Clear decal film canopy frame
Brush: Aztec 1000S brush with direct compressor (no tank or regulator)