G) Withdrawal from xxxx

The heart of this diorama is an old Matchbox 1/72nd scale diorama building from their PaK 40 / BMW motorbike & sidecar kit. I added the backs to the walls, a floor and the street in front. Decoration of the interior with plastic strip and balsa then led to the insertion of the upper floor, with plaster and balsa rubble liberally strewn inside and outside the building. A wash of watered-down PVA cemented everything in place, and everything was sprayed black as an undercoat. Progressively lighter shades of appropriate colours were then sprayed on the base, followed by details being picked out by dry-brushing. Pastels were used to create rust and dirt streaks. Drain pipes were sprayed and metalled separately before fixing to the walls (to cover two joins!). Foil brackets were made to give the impression of holding these on. The plan is to have German soldiers loading an Opel Blitz truck with crates, with a Panther looking down the street and groups of soldiers setting up defensive positions etc

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